How to Build a Leadership Team Willing to Bear the Burden

A great leader knows that they are only as effective as the team they lead. Your success as a leader hinges on your ability to inspire and guide your people. You need a leadership team that is willing to bear the burdens of the job. How can you build such a team?

Share a Vision

A visionary leader is one who can navigate through uncertainty without faltering. The first step in building a resilient leadership team is to cast a compelling vision. Your team needs to be able to see a clear path forward, a destination worth striving for. Take time to determine what goals and priorities your organization should be focusing on so that you have a rock-solid understanding of what vision to promote to your team. 

It’s not enough to simply be an executive; you must assume the role of a true leader, setting the course for your team and inspiring them to follow. A clearly communicated vision can serve as a North Star. It can align your leadership team’s efforts and inspire them to take ownership of their roles in reaching that common goal.

Establish Accountability

Accountability is the bridge between your vision and its execution. It is essential that you are able to trust every member of your leadership. Hold them accountable for their actions and for the success of their teams. Accountable leaders are good communicators who have no problem taking responsibility for their decisions. Make sure your leaders possess these key qualities. Then, it is up to you to demonstrate the fortitude to trust your leadership team by empowering them to make decisions.

Develop a Strong Culture

A strong corporate culture encourages your team to not only follow a set of values but also to take ownership of the results achieved collectively. Imagine a scenario in which your company’s culture is built upon transparency and trust. A high-performing member of the sales team is consistently exceeding their sales targets but violating the company culture by refusing to communicate with their team. The tough call of whether to turn a blind eye or address the issue head-on would be a pivotal moment for the head of that sales team. True leadership means understanding the importance of the company culture and staying true to it. 

As you build your leadership team, you want to make sure that each member is up to the challenge of maintaining a strong company culture. They must lead by example. So, for instance, if your company emphasizes the importance of positivity, you should seek confident and optimistic individuals to lead your teams. 

Culture Identification and Development with LEAP Coaching

At LEAP Coaching, we can help you develop an excellent corporate culture that will keep your people engaged and committed to achieving team goals. In our Culture Development Program, we involve team members throughout your organization, working together to transform the culture into something that can benefit the organization and all of its members. 

When it comes to building a strong leadership team, an executive coach can be your guiding light. Contact LEAP Coaching today to schedule an appointment. You can call us at (847) 212-4903.

Does your leadership team bear the burden of responsibility? 


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